SoftShoe Webstuff

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes)Advertising:
SoftShoe will advertise a website for you. This can be done two ways:
Link Advertising:
SoftShoe will go out on the web and ask different sites to display a link to your page.
Search Engines:
        SoftShoe will add your site to different search engines such as: altavista, yahoo, etc.

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes)Webpage Editing:
SoftShoe makes websites for free!:
Basic webpages will be programmed by SoftShoe to meet your specifications.
3 Pages of html per person.
1 Webpage per person.
If I take any part in the making of your page, you must put a link to SoftShoe.
No guarentees, remember I don't have to do this.

Please fill out this form to see if you qualify:

Country, City, State:
Website Description: