Qbasic Programs

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound



Qbasic Program: Discription:
Ascii Wars Shoot the ascii characters in order to win this cool game!
Bang Boom Keep the boxes from hitting the ground with a small paddle.
Guess The Number Guess 6 numbers to test yourself on your guessing abilities!
Magic 8 Computer Ask your computer a question you have been pondering, and get the answers of a Yes or a No.
Warzone Shoot boxes in this program which makes a very strange use of the draw command.
Lamb Hunt Shoot the boxes as they move across the screen, this is the very first program using graphics that I have made.
Lamb Hunt 2 Shoot the lambs to keep them away from your fields of grass. 25 levels!
Kal4 Very cool space simulator in which you shoot the aliens.
Battle Craft Very well made combat game in which two armies attack each other!
Alienoid In this game you control a space ship with the mouse, and shoot at aliens as they attack you!
Code Breaker This is the classic code breaker game in which you break codes.
Golf Really awesome golfing game with excellent Qbasic graphics!!
Magic Battle Uses the monsters from the card game "Magic The Gathering" for combat stuff.
Memory The classic memory game written in Qbasic!
Nation A game on developing a nation.
Simon Play the simon memory challenging in Qbasic!
Ping Pong Its Ping Pong! -Hit the ball back and fourth.
3d Mazer A simple 3d maze program.
3d Pong Really cool 3d pong game!
Chat With The Computer For those of you who spend little time around other talking humans.
3d Racing Awesome 3d racing program using circles for a car thing to drive through!
Stick Fighten Stick fighting!
Ping Pong One of the sickest pong programs I have ever seen. Ball doesn't work right or anything!!!!!
Fatal Choice Great GFX, go around in a little tank shooting things! COOL
Mini Rpg III Great RPG, kinda like a Final Fanstasy game! COOL
Star Wrek WOW! Awesome space game DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!! COOL
StarconX Space game, kinda like Star Wrek. But not as good. COOL
Wet Spot 2 Part 2 of Wet Spot!!! Get it! COOL

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound


Qbasic Program: Discription:
Fire Works Watch fireworks as they explode in the night sky!
4hsymb10 This program demonstrates uses of graphics by drawing a clover, and displaying a poem.
Fade Demo A very well done demostration on the uses of fadeing.
Fire This program displays letters which are on fire.
Fire Works Another fireworks display.
Font Text A text editor which makes use of a new font.
Land Generator Generate all kinds of 3D landscapes in Qbasic!!
TreeSky An awesome use of graphics and animation in Qbasic!!
Space This program demonstrates how to do graphics in Qbasic.
Go Happy A happy face screen saver.

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound


Qbasic Program: Discription:
Super Draw Use this graphics utility to draw small pictures, and then save them in Qbasic format.
Pixelv10 Extremely well made drawing program in which you draw a picture, then save it in Qbasic format.
Guitar Tutor Learn about the guitar.

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound


Qbasic Program: Discription:
No Control-Break Make your Qbasic programs disable the Control-Break exit!-Very Usefull.
Keys Show Shows you how to use special keyboard keys in Qbasic!

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound


Qbasic Program: Discription:
Sound Player Play wav and voc sound files in Qbasic- Use this in your Qbasic programs to add sounds!
Music Plays continous background music.

Games | Graphics | Utilities | Examples | Sound

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