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Games | Graphics


C/C++ Program: Discription:
Boboli This game is really cool- play by modem with a friend, and kill the evil wizard!
Abermud An online mud made in C!
Mancala A game, im not really sure, it didn't come with an EXE file.
Tic Tac Toe Dos game, not very fun. :(
Tic Tac Toe This one is cool, has great gfx, and AI! D-load it today!


C/C++ Program: Discription:
Ball Demo Good example of making a ball bounce against a changing background.
Blue Fire This is awesome! It puts a blue fire in the background.
Vga Colors Displays how much green, red, and blue is used to make a color.
Scrollers Show examples of how to do scrolling text!
Stars Its that famous star effect!

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